Thursday, February 25, 2016


During our mission on the C-223 Bellarmine class starship, the Biology AP crew crash landed on an unknown planet in the far reaches of our solar system. Seeing our misfortune as an opportunity to explore and maybe take some samples, the crew did a quick search of the perimeter. During our exploration, multiple alien life forms were discovered, and these samples were bagged and brought back to the shit for further examination. Below is the video log of our ensuing dissection of the alien life form.

Why should this creature be considered life? Well, as mentioned in the log, we discovered that the organism had some digestive structures, as well as a beak to take in food, so it must digest and eat its own food. We also found some structures that looked like reproductive organs, so the organism must reproduce. Also, the creature has tentacles, used either for moving, grasping, or both, so the organism interacts with its environment under its own volition. Even though we did not see the creature move, we can infer this regardless. The creature has multiple layers of membranes separating different organs and protecting it from the outside world, so therefore there is a level of higher organization that goes along with this organism. I am not 100 percent sure of the qualities that are necessary to determine whether or not something is "alive", but i believe that this alien organism can be considered a life form.

This life form is an extremely important discovery for mankind because it shows us that we are not alone in the universe, and that there may be other similar organisms to us on planets similar to Earth. Though at first glance the alien we found does not look like a human, there is similarity. Both have bilateral symmetry, both have similarly shaped eyes, and both seem to be dependent on water. The creature was filled with many different types of nontoxic fluid, and even seemed to be covered in different fluids, so we can hypothesize that this creature consumes water to keep itself moist.

We are bringing these alien life forms back to Earth for further study, but I am happy to declare this mission a success and I hope for the C-223's safe and speedy return to Earth and our families.

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